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Budget of the State Labour Inspectorate 2024
Expenditures for implementation of the basic functions of the State Labour Inspectorate in 2024 are planned at 4.18 million lats. . EUR, of which EUR 3,70 mil for remuneration J.. EUR, goods and services – 0.46 million euro. (mainly for maintenance expenses, communication services, vehicle maintenance, information technology services and fuel purchase), capital purchases - 0.02 mil J.. euro.

The budget of the welfare sector 2024 can be found on the website of the Ministry of Welfare

Estimates of State Labour Inspectorate State budget programmes, sub-programmes and measures

Budget of the State Labour Inspectorate 2023

Expenditures for implementation of the basic functions of the State Labour Inspectorate in 2023 are planned at 4.17 million lats. . EUR, of which EUR 3,66 mil for remuneration J.. EUR, goods and services – 0.49 million euro. (mainly for maintenance expenses, communication services, vehicle maintenance, information technology services and fuel purchase), capital purchases - 0.02 mil J.. euro.

The 2023 budget of the welfare sector can be seen on the Ministry of Welfare's website

Audit estimates of State budget programmes, sub-programmes and measures of the Labour Inspectorate

Budget of the State Labour Inspectorate 2022

Expenditures for implementation of the basic functions of the State Labour Inspectorate in 2022 are planned at 3.79 million lats. . EUR, of which 3.33 mil for remuneration J.. euro, goods and services – 0.44 million euro. (mainly for maintenance expenses, communication services, vehicle maintenance, information technology services and fuel purchase), capital purchases - 0.02 mil J.. euro.

The 2022 budget of the welfare sector can be seen on the Ministry of Welfare's website

Estimate of budgetary programmes, sub-programmes and measures


2021 budget of the State Labour Inspectorate

Expenditures for implementation of the basic functions of the State Labour Inspectorate in 2021 are planned at 3.65 million lats. . EUR, of which 3,32 Mil for remuneration J.. EUR, goods and services – 0.43 million euro. (mainly for maintenance expenses, communication services, vehicle maintenance, information technology services and fuel purchase), capital purchases - 0.02 mil J.. euro.

Estimates of national budget programmes, sub-programmes and measures

The 2021 budget of the welfare sector can be seen on the Ministry of Welfare's website

2020 budget of the State Labour Inspectorate

Expenditures for implementation of the basic functions of the State Labour Inspectorate in 2020 are planned at 3.24 million lats. . in euros, of which 2.79 mil for remuneration J.. EUR, goods and services – 0.43 million euro. (mainly for maintenance expenses (rental of premises, utilities, cleaning of premises), communication services, maintenance of vehicles and purchase of fuel, purchase of computer hardware, office requisites), capital purchases - 0.02 mil J.. euro.