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Draft of measure “Strengthening the performance of the State Labour Inspectorate and modernising services” of the specific support objective 4.3.3 “improving access to employment and activation measures for all jobseekers, in particular young people, in particular through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee” of the European Union Cohesion Policy Programme 2021-2027

Project implementer: State Labour Inspectorate, K.Valdemar Street 38-1, Riga, LV-1010

Place of implementation of the project: territory of the Republic of Latvia

Implementation period: 72 months 01.12.2023 - 31.12.2029.

Objective of the project: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the State Labour Inspectorate and modernising and improving the quality of the services it provides by developing modern working methods based on information technology solutions.

Activities to be supported by the project:

  • Improvement of the professional abilities of employees of the State Labour Inspectorate.
  • Measures to strengthen the performance of the staff transfer control and monitoring system within the framework of national and cross-border cooperation.
  • Improvement of the integrated information system of the State Labour Inspectorate and improvement and development of electronic tools.
  • Implementation of measures for raising public awareness and awareness in the field of employment legal relations and labour protection.
  • Measures to ensure communication and visual identity requirements.
  • Project management and implementation.

Project target groups:

  • Employees of the State Labour Inspectorate.
  • Employees and employers.


Total eligible expenditure of the project EUR 4 999 999:

  • EUR 4 249 999 from the European Social Fund Plus;
  • Co-financing by the State budget of EUR 750 000.