Translated by machine translator

The European Agency for Safety and Health at work has been set up by the European Union to provide the public with information on safety and health at work.

The activities of the contact point in Latvia shall be ensured by the State Labour Inspectorate, while the circulation of information shall be organised by the information Council, which includes representatives competent in the fields of occupational safety and health protection of employees from the Ministry of Welfare Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia of Latvia, the Employers Confederation of Latvia, as well as the Institute of Occupational Safety and environmental Health.

Members of the information Council shall:

  • Linda Matisane - Head of the information Council, Head of national Contact point of the European Agency for Safety and Health at work;
  • Sandra Zarina - head of the Labour Protection Division of the SLI;
  • Jolanta Geusha, Senior Rapporteur of the Labour relations and Labour Protection Policy Division of the Ministry of Labour;
  • Ilona Kiukucans – LDDK policy planning documents expert;
  • Ziedonis Antapsons – LBAS specialist in labour protection matters;
  • Ivars vanadzins – Director of the RSU Institute of Occupational Safety and environmental Health;
  • Tatjana Zabarovska - Technical Secretary of the information Council, senior expert of the NSA Cooperation and Development Division.