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International cooperation projects

2023 - 2024

Project 'Posting of workers: improving administrative cooperation and access to information” (101059244 – BETIC) is implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute for Labour and Social Research (Fafo) and 7 labour inspectorates from Norway, Islande, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

the Norwegian Institute for Labour and Social studies is the lead institution of the project in the . . The duration of the project shall be 18 months (from 2023. g. February to 2024 . July).

the objective of the Project is to promote transnational cooperation between national authorities in the implementation of Directive 2014/67/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the implementation of Directive 96/71/EC on the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services, including the promotion of the use of the Internal market information system (Ima), the sharing of experience and good practice not only in participating countries but also with other Member States, social partners and the European Labour Authority. . National social partners will also be involved during the project period I..

It is planned to:

  • identify tools and experience in the field of seconded workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries;
  • try new ways to carry out checks to identify the staff sent;
  • assess similarities and differences as well as challenges related to staff posted by third countries;
  • explore the conditions for transnational cooperation between the institutions and the social partners at different levels in the participating countries.

2018 - 2021

the of the Project “increasing transnational co-operation in the field of seconded workers” (VP/2018/011/0027) was implemented in co-operation with the French national Institute for Labour, Employment and Vocational training (managing Authority) and 15 European Union Labour Inspectorates. . Objective of the project: to improve the practical implementation of the requirements of Directives 96/71/EC and 2014/67/EU concerning the posting of workers related to the provision of services in a Member State of the European Union s.. Particular attention was paid to the construction and agricultural sectors and temporary employment agencies, as well as to the exchange of information in Ima. in 2020, the national Labour Inspectorate (NSA) co-operated with the Estonian, Luxembourg, Norwegian, Polish and Swedish Labour Inspectorates.

in February 2020, the held one face-to-face seminar in Poland with representatives of their labour inspectorates. . Participants in the seminar were able to participate in company surveys employing third country nationals I.. The seminar planned for April in Latvia was moved to 2021.

the co-operation took place remotely in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. . In January, the NSA organised an online seminar on “difficult” cases of sending employees m.. Special attention was paid to citizens sent by third countries. . Labour inspectorate representatives from Poland, Estonia, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden provided their national information and good practice experience in this area. National Liaison representatives of the European Labour Authority took part in the seminar.

In April, a seminar organised by the Swedish Labor Environment Authority agreed on the establishment of a network of staff seconded by experts in order to continue the cooperation established during the project between the six countries participating in the seminar in Latvia.

The project was followed by a series of online seminars organised by the Project Task force to improve transnational cooperation in the field of seconded workers. in May 2021, the project's final online conference was held, presenting the project's good practice cooperation activities.

Information on the project in English:

the Nordic Labour Inspectorate Project “Combating undeclared Employment” ( VP/2018/012/0052 ) was implemented in cooperation with the Swedish Labour Environment Board (managing Authority), Nordic Labour Inspectorate (Denmark, Islande, Norway, Finland and Sweden), Estonia and Latvia. . The main objective of the project was to improve cross-border cooperation and exchange of information between the Nordic and Baltic States, as well as to improve cooperation at national level with the authorities operating in this field and to prepare information materials in combating undeclared work. Four working groups were set up to implement the project objective: management, inspection, prevention (communication and cooperation sub-groups) and knowledge exchange.

meetings of the steering committee, inspection team and liaison sub-group face-to-face meetings and remotely via the Skype were held at the in 2019. . the has carried out joint surveys of enterprises in Denmark and Finland, as well as in Latvia with the co-allocation of Norwegian and Finnish labour inspectors. U.. By carrying out joint inspections, inspectors were able to obtain information from colleagues from other countries on the organisation of surveys, methods and priorities of inspections to combat undeclared work. In August, a seminar of the Cooperation Subgroup was organised in Tallinn, which also included social partners from countries involved in the project.

due to the emergency situation in Latvia and EU cooperation took place remotely in 2020 and 2021. . Project is completed.