The State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) is a direct administration authority under the supervision of the Ministry of Welfare. Its main function is to implement state supervision and control in the areas of employment law and occupational safety. The operations of the SLI are regulated by the State Labour Inspectorate Law.


The mission of the State Labour Inspectorate (SLI) is to promote the creation and maintenance of a safe, health-friendly, and lawful work environment by providing information and professional consultations, and by implementing effective supervision.

The SLI envisions being a modern, client-oriented institution with professional, motivated, and loyal employees.

The institution’s informational and inspection activities are primarily focused on the prevention of workplace accidents and unregistered employment. At the same time, it ensures an effective and prompt response and action in addressing and mitigating other issues related to labor relations and workplace conditions.

State Labour Inspectorate:

  • supervise and control observance of the requirements of the regulatory enactments regarding labour legal relationships and OSH;
  • control how employers and employees mutually fulfil the obligations specified in employment contracts and collective labour agreements;
  • provide free consultations to employers and employees on labour legal relations and OSH;
  • promote the society awareness on labour legal relations and OSH;
  • promote social dialogue;
  • take measures to facilitate the prevention of differences of opinion between an employer and employees and, where appropriate, invite representatives of the employees;
  • analyse matters of labour legal relations and OSH in order to provide proposals regarding the improvement of regulatory enactments;
  • carry out the investigation of accidents at work and perform uniform registration;
  • participate in the investigation of cases of occupational disease in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments;
  • control work equipment at workplaces, the utilisation of personal and collective worker protection equipment, and utilisation of substances harmful and dangerous to health pursuant to the requirements of regulatory enactments;
  • provide information to the commission for the evaluation of institutions competent in the work safety issues of the Ministry of Welfare regarding activities of the institutions and specialists competent in work safety issues in the field of labour protection in the objects referred to in Section 4, Clause 2 of this Law and subject to the supervision and control of the Labour Inspectorate;
  • organise the establishment and ensure the operation of a National Focal Point for the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.

One of main activities of the National Focal Point is development of the website Comprehensive information on OSH issues in Latvia is available at this website.

1. Officials of the Labour Inspectorate shall be the Director of the Labour Inspectorate, the Deputy Director of the Labour Inspectorate, inspectors at all levels and other State civil servants of the Labour Inspectorate who implement the function of the supervision and control and tasks specified in this Law.

Officials of the Labour Inspectorate have the right to:

  • Upon presentation of a service identification document, at any time of day without prior notification or without receiving permission, also in the absence of the employer: visit and inspect persons and objects under their supervision and control, and
  • check the work process, working environment and labour protection measures;

2. Carry out examination, control and investigation or to request the information necessary in order to verify that the requirements of regulatory enactments are observed, and for this purpose:

  • to question employers, employees and other persons regarding matters of employment legal relationships and labour protection,
  • to request accounting, registration and other documents, which are necessary in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding employment legal relationships and labour protection, to verify that the documents conform to regulatory enactments, as well as to request copies and extracts of such documents,
  • to request information necessary for resolving matters of employment legal relationships and labour protection,
  • to take measurements of work environment factors, to photograph, make audio and video recordings, as well as take samples of materials and substances for analysis,
  • to invite specialists for the performance of specific tasks, and
  • to request that employers, employees and other persons present a personal identification document or a driving licence, or an employee’s certificate;

3. Invite employers, employees or other persons to appear at the Labour Inspectorate in order to obtain information from them regarding matters of employment legal relationships and labour protection, or to provide such persons with information, explanations and other kinds of assistance on such matters;

4. Organise meetings of employers, representatives of organisations of employers and employees and other persons in order to discuss matters of employment legal relationships and labour protection;

5. Be provided by employers with such support, commensurate to the specific nature and location of the object to be inspected, and nature and duration of the inspection to be performed, as is necessary for the Labour Inspectorate in order to perform the task thereof;

6. Take decisions regarding matters of employment legal relationships and labour protection, as well as to issue warnings and orders to employers in order to ensure the observance of the requirements of the regulatory enactments regulating employment legal relationships and labour protection;

7. Completely or partially suspend the activities of persons or objects subject to their supervision and control (hereinafter also – suspension of activities of a person or object);

8. Control the activities of institutions and specialists competent in work safety issues in the objects under their supervision and control;

9. Impose administrative fines on employers, as well as on other persons for the examination of administrative violations in accordance with the procedures prescribed;

10. Control whether employers perform efficient measures in order to ensure the fulfilment of orders of the Labour Inspectorate, and take into account the expressed warnings;

11. In accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments, issue to law enforcement institutions materials regarding the violations of regulatory enactments in respect of employment legal relationships and labour protection; and

12. after complete or partial suspension of activities of a person or object:

  • apply a lead seal or to seal up control and communication devices, which start  the devices to be stopped or supply them with energy, as well as to draw up a  deed of applying a lead seal,
  • control whether a decision regarding suspension of activities of the person or  object is executed.

SLI officials certificate

attēls  attēls

  • An administrative deed issued by an official of the Labour Inspectorate or actual action thereof may be contested to the Director of the Labour Inspectorate. The administrative deed issued by the Director of the Labour Inspectorate or actual action thereof, as well as a decision regarding the contested administrative deed or actual action may be appealed to the court in accordance with the procedures specified in law.
  • Contesting or appeal of the administrative deed or actual action shall not suspend the execution thereof, except in cases when it is suspended with a decision of the person examining the submission or application.

Please note, that in accordance with the “Law on applications” we have the right not to review received application in the cases when sender has not indicated his/her name, family name, address, as well as the application is not signed.
