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Whistleblowing: an opportunity for everyone to promote the legitimate, fair, open and transparent functioning of the institution through the right to express their views freely.

The whistleblowing Law helps Latvian residents prevent violations and harm to the public interest, while protecting whistleblowers from adverse consequences. As of February 4, 2022, a new whistleblowing law is in force in Latvia, taking over the EU whistleblower directive, improving the current approach.

Who is the whistleblower?

Whistleblower – a natural person who provides information regarding a potential violation which may harm the public interest, if the person considers such information to be true and it has been acquired in the performance of work duties or in the establishment of legal relationships related to the performance of work duties or in practice, and which, due to the provision of such information, could have adverse consequences.

How do employees of the State Labour Inspectorate raise the alarm?

in the , any employee of the State Labour Inspectorate may inform regarding a possible violation of an essential public interest in the activities of the institution in order to rectify it in a timely manner before the reputation of the institution is threatened, losses have been caused to it or the competent State institutions are involved. . It is employees who have the opportunity to spot potential wrongdoing and, through their professional knowledge and experience, assess their dangers.

By using an internal whistleblowing system for reporting, the report comes closest to the “cause of the problem” and the concerns raised can be assessed expeditiously, as well as possible violations can be addressed or systemic deficiencies identified.

How do I raise the alarm with the State Labour Inspectorate as the competent authority?

in the , any resident may inform the State Labour Inspectorate regarding a possible violation in the areas of competence of the institution affecting the essential interests of the public. . An employee of a subordinate institution may apply to a higher institution as the competent institution.

The report of the whistleblower may be submitted to the State Labour Inspectorate:

  1. e-mail
  2. via electronic form on the website;
  3. through general channels of communication with the Authority (by post to the address of the State Labour Inspectorate - K. Valdemara Street 38 k-1, Riga, LV-1010, to the e-mail of the State Labour Inspectorate -, e-address or in person, placing in the mailbox of the State Labour Inspectorate on the 1 st floor of the building or in the mailbox located in the location of regional State Labour Inspectorate). See the locations of the Regional State Labour Inspectorate here.

It is possible to download the whistle-blower message form on the website, which should be completed in paper form.

the shall sign the paper message in its own hand. . The whistleblower's message, which shall be sent by e-mail, shall be signed with an electronic signature U..

What happens after the report is submitted?

Upon receipt of the whistleblower's report, the applicant's personal data shall be pseudonymised.

The personal data of the whistleblower, the report and the written or material evidence attached thereto, as well as the materials for examining the whistleblower's report shall have the status of restricted access information.

in the , any person (institution) who receives or performs any action on a whistleblower's report shall be obliged to ensure adequate protection of the whistleblower's personal data. . Personal data of a whistleblower may be transferred only to persons (institutions) for whom they are necessary for the examination of a whistleblower report or administrative violation case initiated on the basis thereof or protection of a whistleblower or his or her relatives I.. more about whistleblower protection in the section of the Read website

The contact person of the State Labour Inspectorate in matters of whistleblowing shall be:

Law Division lead Counsel Ineta Feldmanis . N R.. 26584522,