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In order to ensure lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal data, information regarding how the State Labour Inspectorate (hereinafter - SLI) performs processing of personal data shall be provided in the following text.

1. Manager
State Labour Inspectorate
Krisjanis Valdemara street 38 k-1, Riga
phone: +371 67021704
Fax: +371 67021718
e - mail:

2. Communication on matters relating to the processing of personal data
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you may contact the SLI:
1) by writing an e-mail to the personal data Protection specialist Jevgeņijam Jarosovam (e-mail address:
2) by submitting an application in person or by sending it by post. .

3. Personal data to be processed

SLIs can process different types of personal data (for example, given name, surname, personal identity number, birth data, contact details (telephone number, e-mail, address), membership of a particular trade Union, name of the institution or company represented, name of the employer, position to be held, photo, information regarding education, work experience, health data, such as opinion of an occupational physician regarding the state of health).

4. Purpose and legal basis of data processing

Data may be processed in order to fulfil the function specified in Section 3 of the State Labour Inspectorate Law - to implement State supervision and control in the field of employment legal relations and labour protection. The legal basis for data processing is Section 12 of the State Labour Inspectorate Law.

Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the tasks specified in the State Labour Inspectorate Law in order to:

  • evaluate whether the activities performed by the employer comply with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments and do not harm the interests of employees;
  • ensure effective supervision of employment legal relations and labour protection regulatory enactments;
  • advise on employment relations and labour protection;
  • take measures to facilitate the elimination of disagreements between the employer and employees;
  • investigate accidents at work;
  • participate in the investigation of occupational diseases;
  • promote social dialogue.

On the basis of Section 3, Paragraph 2, Clause 3 of the State Labour Inspectorate Law, the SLI may process your personal data in order to:

  • apply for your visit and ensure access to the SLI premises;
  • ensure your participation in meetings organised by the SLI, visits of foreign representatives and other information events (for example, conferences, press conferences, forums, seminars, etc., including registering and identifying participants, photographing and performing voice and video recordings, communicating about changes in the course of the event);
  • analyse the attendance of the event, ensure future communication and send information materials (including electronic handouts and information on future events);
  • promote publicity and public awareness of the event by taking photographs and filming during the event and publishing the footage on websites and social networks.

5. Recipients of personal data

Your personal data may be transferred to SLI responsible officials or directly authorised persons, data controllers (incl. . organisers of joint activities), State, local government and law enforcement authorities in the cases specified by law.

6. Retention period for personal data

Your personal data will be stored for as long as is necessary to achieve the relevant processing purposes, subject to the requirements of the laws and regulations, after which your personal data will be deleted, unless the laws and regulations provide for a longer retention period.

7. Rights of the data subject in the process of data processing

The person whose data are processed has the right to request their rectification or deletion, to restrict their processing, as well as the right to object and the right to portability of the data. . That right is to be exercised in so far as the processing of the data does not result from the SLI's obligations under the laws and regulations in force and which are carried out in the public interest or in respect of legitimate interests I.. The SLI will evaluate the request submitted by the person in accordance with regulatory enactments and provide a reply.

When processing data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. . For example, if you do not want to be photographed or filmed and later published when participating in events organised by the SLI, please inform.

8. Safeguards against data misuse

The SLI processes your personal data, taking care of their security, using various security measures (such as data encryption and firewall protection) and following confidentiality requirements to prevent their misuse and improper use, unauthorized disclosure, disclosure and alteration, and unauthorized access.

9. Transfer of personal data to third countries

Your personal data may only be transferred to third countries which are not members of the European Union (EU) or of the European Economic area (EEA), in cases provided for by law and in strict compliance with their rules.

10. Right to lodge a complaint

If you have any objections, complaints or complaints related to the processing of your personal data, we encourage you to contact the SLI first. If the issue cannot be resolved within the SLI, you have the right to submit a complaint to the data State Inspectorate.

11. Automated decision making

The SLI does not use your data to make automated decisions.