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Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors


The Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) was established by Decision 95/319/EC of the European Commission of 12 June 1995.

the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors of the shall be composed of one full Member per Member State. . Full members and alternate members shall be appointed to the European Commission on a recommendation from the Member States. a.. The term of office of the members of the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors shall be three years. . They may be appointed to repeat I.. Members and experts of the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors shall not be remunerated for their work on the Committee. Representatives of the State Labour Inspectorate have been serving on the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee since 1995 as observers and as full representatives from 2004.

at present, the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors of the is composed of representatives of the 27 Member States of the European Union. . Representatives of the European Economic area and the European free Trade Association (Islande, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) take part in its work as observers I.. Representatives of the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors shall meet twice a year in the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. in 2015, the State Labour Inspectorate organised a meeting in Riga as the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

the main task of the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors of the is to identify, analyse and address the practical problems involved in putting into practice the requirements of Community legislation (directives) on labour protection and monitoring them in the workplace, and to develop and publish documents to facilitate the work of labour inspectors. . Several guides to good practice have been developed for employers, which have been placed on the website, and non-binding guidelines for inspectors to have a common approach to monitoring the requirements of directives.

the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors of the shall draw up a three-year programme setting out specific activities each year, taking into account the evaluation of the previous year's work. . A working group may be set up in agreement with the representative of the Commission. s.. There are currently 5 working groups in place and running to support the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee in its programme execution.

The Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors established a knowledge sharing system (CIRCABC-CSF) to address practical problems encountered in monitoring the application of legislation in occupational safety and health and the rapid exchange of information between labour inspectorates.

the Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors of the has developed “Common Labour Inspectorate principles on Occupational Safety and Health at work”, which assess national labour inspection systems. . The State Labour Inspectorate was assessed in 2002 and 2011. Next evaluation is scheduled for 2021.

Further information on the work of the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee can be found on its website: