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International Labour inspection Association was established in 1972. The International Labour Inspectorate Association brings together more than 100 national Labour Inspectorate and its work is governed by the Statute. .1978 the International Labour Organisation granted the International Labour inspection Association the status of 'non-governmental international consultative organisation a ".". The State Labour Inspectorate has been a Member of it since 1994. . Members are required to pay membership fees agreed with the International Labour inspection Association.

The administrative organs of the International Labour inspection Association shall be:

  • the General Assembly of the , composed of national delegations, shall be composed of one designated representative per delegation from each organisation. . Ordinary meetings of the General Assembly shall be held every three years during the Congress in which the triennial programme is adopted;
  • the Executive Committee of the shall be responsible for administering the International Labour inspection Association. . Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years and may be re-elected I.. Executive committee made up of: President, eight vice presidents (two Vice-Presidents shall act as Secretary-General and treasurer). Officials of the International Labour inspection Association (President, Secretary-General and Treasurer) shall be elected from among the members of the Executive Committee. . The Executive Committee shall normally meet at least once a year at the location of the International Labour inspection Association or in the city most suitable for investigating the problem in question;
  • the General Secretariat shall be the Technical and Administrative Authority of the International Labour Inspectorate Association; its functions shall be exercised in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee;
  • regional delegates shall, in cooperation with the Executive Committee and with the technical assistance of the Secretariat-General, assist in the organisation of regional and interregional events.

Objectives of the International Labour inspection Association:

  • promote professionalism in all aspects of the labour inspection in order to increase its impact and efficiency;
  • organising international and regional conferences and events where participants can exchange ideas and experiences on how best to promote compliance with labour protection legislative requirements and good practices;
  • provide professional information to members through its website, newsletters, reports and other publications;
  • promote closer cooperation between its members through regional networks and activities.

The International Labour inspection Association hosts conferences around the world and in recent years has sponsored events in Costa Rica, Bulgaria, Ireland, China - Macau, Mauricijs, Geneva, Guyana, Germany, China, often with host countries and the International Labour Organization.

the State Labour Inspectorate, in co-operation with the International Labour Inspectorate Association and its financial support, organised international conferences within the framework of the European Social Fund in Riga in 2006 - 'Integrated Labour Protection system and Social dialogue', in 2008 - 'Labour Inspectorate role in the implementation of European and national strategies' and in 2010 - 'maintenance of labour safety during a crisis'. the 2010 conference was attended by then-Association President Michele Patersons (R), director of the South Australian Labour Inspectorate. . Ms Paterson welcomed the NSA's contribution to the Association's work in the Baltic region.

on 11-12 October 2017, an international conference “Every accident at work is too much” was held as part of the ESF project, attended by Kevin Maijers (President of the International Labour Inspectorate Association) and presented by Vice President Bernhards Bruckner (Bernhards Brűckner) “the strength of the Labour Inspectorate - lessons learned over 10 years, challenges for the future.”

Further information on the work of the International Labour inspection Association can be found on its website: