1. The visit is coming
Be prepared for the visit of the State Labour Inspectorate (NSA) and arrange the work environment yourself, because the NSA may also not announce its visits. . Just as police patrols control, for example, compliance with road traffic regulations on streets, roads, as well as the SLI controls compliance with labour protection and labour law standards in the workplace s.. The inspector's task is to ensure that the norms of labour law are not violated in the undertaking, as well as the norms of the laws and regulations regulating labour protection, which guarantee safe and healthy working conditions for employees in the workplace.
2. Good afternoon, my name is...
When the inspector comes to your company, he will introduce himself and present the inspector's certificate. . The inspector will definitely want to speak to a management representative, a labour protection specialist and a trusted representative of employees, if elected, as well as to a staff Member m.. Other persons, such as employees responsible for keeping contracts of employment, etc., may also be involved in the inspection of the undertaking. . If the inspector is unable to meet them at the time of the inspection, the inspector shall have the right both to continue the inspection and to transfer the visit to another time.
3. Emotional intelligence
Take a deep breath and smile! It's just normal to feel a little excited when someone who wants to check your company arrives. . If you do everything to keep the safety and health of your staff and visitors out of jeopardy, you have nothing to worry about s.. As with all other work issues, be professional, responsive and polite. . Think of yourself briefly as an inspector, whether you loved communicating with aggressive, nervous or indecent people ? Makes it easier for the inspector to work - be responsive and the test will go ahead in a more positive atmosphere for both parties.
4. What does a workplace look like in my company?
The inspector will definitely want to do a job inspection - attention can be paid, for example, to workplace arrangements, personal protective equipment, internal traffic organisation, cleanliness and order in workplaces, the use and storage of chemicals, and the inspector can also assess whether the risks of tripping and slipping have been eliminated. . In individual inspections, inspectors can focus on some particular risk to the working environment and try to find out, for example, how workplace ergonomics are improved.
5. How long is the visit going on?
Depending on the size of the company, whether or not the documents required by the inspector are in the company, the NSA visit can take between an hour and a whole day (the visit will take longer if the company is a major or serious or fatal accident in the company). Later, the company's case will be reviewed by an inspector at the NSA's office, and if documents or additional information are required, the inspector will require them to be filed.
6. What documents will be checked?
Together with the management of the undertaking and the labour protection specialist, the inspector will check whether all the documents of the undertaking comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments – the inspector will examine the assessment of the risks of the work environment, labour protection instructions and registers of instructions, mandatory health examination cards, employment contracts, time documents, wage calculations and documents certifying costs and other documents which are related to compliance with labour rights or labour protection requirements in the undertaking. The documents must be readily accessible and the company's representatives must be prepared to produce them.
7. Any employee may be interviewed
In order to ensure that there is a safe and healthy working environment in the undertaking, the inspector together with the labour protection specialist of the undertaking will perform an inspection of the undertaking. . It should be noted that the visit may also be carried out by the inspector without a labour protection specialist and the presence of the management of the undertaking. s.. The inspector may also talk to other employees. . The inspector has the right to verify the identity of the person surveyed and to ask questions in order, for example, to ascertain the practical knowledge and awareness of employees in various labour protection issues. s.. The inspector can also check work equipment, take photos, film.
8. Can an inspector take a picture and take a video?
During the inspection, the inspector has the right to take photographic and video footage, as well as to take the necessary measurements, for example, in order to ascertain the microclimate of the workplace, lighting, noise, etc. . Photographs are necessary in order to record the actual situation in the undertaking, while measurements are necessary in order to ascertain whether the conditions of the workplace are in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments.
9. Are my staff frustrated?
In some companies, employees have no other choice - they have to turn to the NSA to assert their rights. . Employee complaints are often ignored by the employer and even threatened at worst with dismissal from the Darb a.. In these cases, it is imperative that employees approach the NSA. When an application is received, it shall be evaluated and the SLI shall take appropriate action – the inspector will go to inspect the particular undertaking. . During the inspection the inspector will verify the actual situation in the undertaking and evaluate the circumstances referred to in the application.
10. Good and bad
The inspector may point to a positive aspect as well as point out possible shortcomings. . If the health and life-threatening conditions of the employees are detected, the inspector may even issue a decision to suspend the operation of the installation, installation U.. This suspends works at a particular workplace or facility until the specific breach, which endangers the safety and life of workers, is rectified. . Works may be resumed only after the inspector has issued a permit to resume work T.. The inspector may also issue an alert to suspend the operation of the installation or installation. . If the infringements are serious, the inspector may issue an order requiring the infringement to be remedied within a specific time limit. Similarly, in the event of a finding of serious irregularities, the inspector may apply an administrative SOD U.. If the undertaking does not agree with the decisions and/or orders taken and issued by the inspector, they may be appealed to the Director of the NSA. . The decision may be appealed within 10 working days from notification of the full decision, while the order may be appealed within one month. Most convenient to do this with an e-service without leaving your home or office a.. All NSA e-services are available on the website www.vdi.gov.lv, in the section “Internet Service Centre”.
11. Happy ending
When an employer has eliminated violations of labour protection or labour rights, it shall notify the SLI regarding elimination of the violation, and the undertaking shall continue its activity in an already better arranged work environment. It is the easiest way to notify you about violations with an e-service, saving you both time and resources.
12. Really happy?
If significant violations have been detected in the undertaking, the inspector may re-visit the undertaking in order to ensure that the instructions given by the inspector are complied with and working conditions have improved, as well as all the conditions have been observed in order for the undertaking to guarantee safe and healthy working conditions for employees, protecting against possible accidents at work and occupational diseases.
13. Why is the inspector coming?
The inspector's visit is primarily aimed at preventing wrongdoing rather than punishing. . Job surveys help make sure they comply with the labour protection and labour law requirement m.. The labour protection system provides for the responsibility for health and safety at work of each employee working in the undertaking, from the chairperson of the board to any employee. It is well known that injuries and fatal workplace accidents tend to be attributed to certain causes. . Although they may vary from sector to sector, inspections organised by the SLI invite companies to pay more attention to labour protection requirements, as well as to comply with the labour law norm. s.. The SLI shall follow each sector with the aim of reducing the number of accidents that have occurred and improving compliance with the laws and regulations regulating labour rights and labour protection.
14. How are the jobs to check selected?
The visit may be based on preventive inspection, thematic inspection, accident at work, preparation of the hygiene profile of the workplace, verification of enforcement of the order, verification of reduction of unregistered employment, response to operational reports, etc. . It should be noted that the arrival of the inspector may be based on different reasons and circumstances, which may lead to differences in the course of the inspection and in the range of documents requested, information s.. A sure sign that the company will definitely undergo a test is past mistakes that the company has made in terms of job security or labor law. Therefore, if an inspector has detected an irregularity in your company, it should be remedied as soon as possible and more effectively.
15. Will there always be a penalty in the event of an offence?
In such cases, if during the inspection in the undertaking the inspector detects deficiencies or minor infringements which do not pose a direct risk to the health and life of employees, as well as do not significantly impair the legal protection of employees, the inspector may waive the application of the punishment or order. . In these situations, the inspector will point out deficiencies and advise on how to remedy them. I.. Administrative penalties are usually inevitable if unregistered employment or serious violations of labour rights or labour protection are detected in an undertaking. . In these cases, the inspector has no choice but to follow the law.
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the State Labour Inspectorate by phone. .67186522 or by writing to email: < a data-external-link = “FALSE” href = “mailto:vdi@vdi.gov.lv” target = “_ blank” > vdi@vdi.gov.lv .