Translated by machine translator

Labour protection requirements when performing construction work shall be determined by Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 92 of 25 February 2003, Labour Protection requirements when performing construction work (hereinafter - Cabinet No. 92).

The referred to regulations prescribe that the commissioning party has a duty to send prior notification to the State Labour Inspectorate regarding the performance of construction work before commencing construction work. Notification must be sent if the estimated duration of the works exceeds 30 working days and more than 20 workers will be employed simultaneously in the works. The notification must also be sent if the planned amount of construction works exceeds 500 man-days, that is to say, 500 working days worked in total by one or more employees (BOM not.n.92, paragraph 12). The commissioning party may assign the referred to duty to the project manager by mutual agreement (Clause 13.1 of the Cabinet not.Nr. 92). A project manager is a natural or legal person who has been appointed by the commissioning authority and who acts on behalf of the commissioning authority in performing preparation, execution or supervision of execution of the project.

Consequently, if the commissioning party has appointed a project manager, for example, a principal performer of construction work or a performer of individual construction work, the commissioning party, by mutual agreement, shall assign specific duties to the project supervisor, including the obligation to send prior notification to the Labour Inspectorate regarding the performance of construction work in the cases referred to in Paragraph 12 of Cabinet Not.Nr.92 prior to commencement of construction work.

In accordance with Section 41.4, Paragraph one of the Latvian Administrative violations Code, officials of the State Labour Inspectorate may issue a warning or impose a fine – for a natural person or official from 70 to 350 euros, for a legal person – from 70 to 700 euros.