tematiskā pārbaude būvniecības nozares uzņēmumos

The State Labour Inspectorate (hereinafter - Labour Inspectorate) shall inform that from 3 June to 30 September 2024 such thematic examination of labour protection has been implemented in enterprises of the construction sector.


workers in this sector suffer serious injuries and die in the workplace due to dangerous work such as work at altitude, such as stairs, scaffolding or roofs. . Works carried out by workers in trenches in construction pits are no less dangerous because there is a risk of pushing unsecured side edges s.. According to statistics at the disposal of the Labour Inspectorate, in 2023 there were 37 serious accidents in the construction sector (i.e. 17% of the total number of serious accidents) and 4 fatal accidents (i.e. 17% of total fatalities). 30 accidents have occurred in the construction sector in the first quarter of this year, including 3 serious accidents.


Construction is the sector where the Labour Inspectorate has carried out the highest number of inspections in 2023 (23% of the total number of inspections, respectively), with 33 job suspensions in hazardous situations for workers, as well as the highest number of infringements in the sector (28% of the total number of infringements). In addition, in 2023, the most shadow workers were discovered in construction (30% of the total number of unregistered employed persons). Although companies in the construction sector are subject to increased inspections every year, significant violations are still detected. .


in the of the , it is observed that more and more employers attract employees from other countries (posted employees) to ensure the work process. It is in the construction sector that in 2023 there has been the highest number of posted employees announced by employers to the Labour Inspectorate - 57% of all posted employees. . Also in the first quarter of this year, the trend remains and the posted employees are most often employed in the construction sector.


During inspections, officials of the Labour Inspectorate will pay increased attention to the safety of work at altitude, including roof work and work on scaffolding, protection of employees when performing work in construction pits, provision of personal protective equipment and use thereof, as well as compliance with the requirements of the regulatory enactments regulating employment of third-country nationals.


We would like to emphasise that inspectors of the Labour Inspectorate do not go to inspections with the aim of punishing construction workers, but in construction objects where inspectors will detect serious and direct threats to the safety and health of employees or unregistered employees, the Labour Inspectorate will apply the means provided for in the Law both by suspending construction work and by applying appropriate penalties.


the invites contractors to be the most rigorous reviewers of their construction project, where safety at work is assessed critically and issues are sorted until our inspectors visit. . Your employees are your most valuable resource to help you realize your business project. s.. As well as being physically and emotionally tragic, accidents also halt the construction process and cause losses in time and financial resources, and can negatively invoke the company's reputation. . Build safely, fairly and qualitatively, then NSA inspections will also take less time and not cause anxiety U..


On the website of the, in the “materials” section, specific information material can be selected from the available information directly for the construction industry.


The self-control form is available at