Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Private law legal person
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Service provides an opportunity for the employer (a natural person authorised to represent the legal person or an employer as a natural person) electronically submit a notification of the Labour Inspection the employer’ s losses in connection with the accident at work, thereby speeding up the information exchange process. Consequently, this will permit to acquire, develop and collect objective information on the employers' overall loss costs.

Process Description

Submitting Documents

  • Submitting via email: The employer or authorized person sends the prepared letter with the notification to the relevant Labor Inspectorate unit.
  • Submitting by mail: The employer or authorized person sends the prepared letter with the notification to the relevant Labor Inspectorate unit.
  • Submitting in person: The employer or authorized person arrives at the Labor Inspectorate unit during the specified customer service hours, fills out the form on-site, and submits it there.

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