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A request to the State Labour Inspectorate receives DVHR Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital of Occupational and Radiation Medicine Centre of occupational diseases or commission of a doctor of occupational diseases of the Labour Inspection Request is provided with a view to receiving inspection DVHR noDarba and on that basis, to decide on approval of an occupational disease, for that person.

Process description


Requesting the Service

  • Submitting via email: The occupational physician sends the prepared email with the request to the relevant Labor Inspectorate unit's email address.
  • Submitting by mail: The occupational physician sends the prepared letter with the request to the responsible Labor Inspectorate unit.

Receiving the DVHR (Workplace Hygiene Characterization Report): Receiving the Workplace Hygiene Characterization Report from the Labor Inspectorate through the channel through which it was requested—, email, or by mail.

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