Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Private law legal person
Public law legal person
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The employer shall investigate those accidents that have occurred in the work of the victim, which caused no injuries or health disorder severe (accident). Health disorders, according to the level of seriousness is determined by the doctor 's certificate of health disorders level of seriousness. Accident investigation results in an Act of Accession of the accident at work (act) shall be registered by the employer State Labour Inspectorate. If a work accident happened, but the victim of disability has not been longer than three (3) days, as well as, if an accident victim found in only the risk of infection by the employer shall investigate the accident, but the provisions of the State Labour Inspectorate shall not be registered.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Documents to be submitted:
    1.) Employer prepared by the Act concerning Accident (3 copies);
    2.) the order of employer 's accident investigation commission;
    3.) a statement regarding the level of seriousness health disorders;
    4) of the injured person, employees and witnesses in the explanatory notes;
    5) of the accident site characterisation;
    6) other documents that describe the accident.

  2. Receipt of services
    Receipt of services according to the application of choice.

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