Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
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A permit is required if the child as artist wants to engage in cultural, artistic, sporting and advertising activities. Such authorisation is issued when the employment of 1.) this is not harmful to child safety, health, morality and development; 2.), one parent (guardian) has given written consent; 3.) such employment shall not prevent the child's education, for which the Labour Inspection shall request a statement from the educational institution. Before granting authorisation to the Labour Inspection has the right to request the employer to provide safe working environment and working conditions, to avoid any risk to child safety and health. Labour Inspection has the right permit also indicate the specific labour protection measures, taking into account the nature of employment of the child.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The employer, according to location, the Labour Inspection shall submit a written application for authorisation and one parent (guardian) written consent.
    The application for authorisation shall specify:
    1) the child 's name, surname, personal identity number, address of the place of residence;
    2) the type of employment;
    3) the place of employment;
    4) the intended working and rest time;
    5) the duration of the employment;
    6. the test results.

  2. Receipt of services
    In accordance with the choice of receipt of a service request:
    1.) In an e-mail
    2.) The post office
    3.) Onsite (after the decision)

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