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The service is intended to enable the worker to submit an application to the Labour Inspectorate regarding the fact of health and safety hazards at the workplace. The service shall provide for the return of the opinion drawn up by the Labour Inspectorate to the applicant for an opinion, depending on the channel for receipt of the information chosen by it (, e-mail or mail).

Process Description

Requesting an Opinion

  • Submitting via email: The employee sends a prepared email with the notification to the relevant Labor Inspectorate unit.
  • Submitting by mail: The employee sends the prepared letter with the notification to the relevant Labor Inspectorate unit.

Receiving the Opinion The employee who prepared and submitted the request for an opinion on workplace health and safety hazards receives it from the Labor Inspectorate through their chosen channel (, email, or mail). If the opinion is rejected, information regarding the rejection of the request is provided.

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